"Creating Space for the searching heart"
Progressive Interfaith teaching for Jews and Christians

Interfaith Ministry and the Search for Common Ground
Inspired by her book Coexisting in a Religious World of Divide, author Elisheva Irma Diaz embraces a call to interfaith ministry.
She believes that despite differences in the Jewish and Christian faith traditions, we share core values such as compassion, justice, and love. Through our interfaith podcasts, we explore these universal principles and demonstrate the many similarities and how our diverse beliefs can contribute to the common good.
At AYEKAH, we hold to the teaching that, just as it is a mitzvah to guide someone onto the path that is meant for them, it is equally wrong to misdirect them onto a path that does not belong to them. Each person is born with a journey unique to their soul, often influenced by the culture into which they were born. (*Thought above from the wisdom of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, of righteous memory; words and condensation by Rabbi Tzvi Freeman)
While there are universal truths inherited by all of humanity since the time of Moses and Jesus, we recognize that we are not meant to be the same and, we are not all called to the same path. Our differences are as meaningful to our Creator as our shared values and are preordained journey.
With this understanding, we create a space for the searching heart, honoring the diverse paths that lead us toward spiritual growth and understanding and ultimately to God. We put our trust in our maker to lead our hearts where they need to land.
Inspired by her book Coexisting in a Religious World of Divide, author Elisheva Irma Diaz embraces a call to interfaith ministry.
She believes that despite differences in the Jewish and Christian faith traditions, we share core values such as compassion, justice, and love. Through our interfaith podcasts, we explore these universal principles and demonstrate the many similarities and how our diverse beliefs can contribute to the common good.
At AYEKAH, we hold to the teaching that, just as it is a mitzvah to guide someone onto the path that is meant for them, it is equally wrong to misdirect them onto a path that does not belong to them. Each person is born with a journey unique to their soul, often influenced by the culture into which they were born. (*Thought above from the wisdom of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, of righteous memory; words and condensation by Rabbi Tzvi Freeman)
While there are universal truths inherited by all of humanity since the time of Moses and Jesus, we recognize that we are not meant to be the same and, we are not all called to the same path. Our differences are as meaningful to our Creator as our shared values and are preordained journey.
With this understanding, we create a space for the searching heart, honoring the diverse paths that lead us toward spiritual growth and understanding and ultimately to God. We put our trust in our maker to lead our hearts where they need to land.
About our podcasts
Interfaith podcasts create a platform where listeners can gain insights into their faith traditions, helping to foster mutual understanding and respect in an increasingly pluralistic society."
- "Coexisting in faith does not mean compromising one's beliefs, but rather embracing diversity with openness and peace. Interfaith podcasts encourage the idea that harmony among (in our case) christian and jewish traditions is not only possible but essential for a peaceful society."
- "In a world often divided by religious conflicts, interfaith dialogue serves as a reminder that peaceful coexistence and collaboration are attainable goals."
- For information on our President and Founder.
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If you are planning for a year, sow rice, if you are planning for a decade, plant trees, if you are planning for a lifetime, educate people. (Chinese proverb)
"Study, teach, learn and study more"
"Study, teach, learn and study more"
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